sunnuntai 29. heinäkuuta 2007

earning travel money on the way to Split

Succesfull Friday evening activities in Split yesterday. Started gathering respect already on the bus on way to town. Rami took a guitar from an elderly sailor and we entertained the locals by singing Hallmanin Pena & Suljettu Sydän. Earned us 2,5kn. They love us here, and we love them back. See the performance.
In Split scouted a good open-air disco/bar and, as you might've guessed, did the crab dance again. This time with a hint of Greek flavour. The show was a brave one, since we were the 1st ones on the show-off dance floor. Can tell Split is a good place since some people were actually cheering and joined us.
The hot night came into good use drying the clothes when got back to the apartment, since some of the night's dancing for some now very unclear reason, took place in the swimming pool of the disco.
The ride north today, to Opatia, was agony as usual. At start, an unfriendly stone building attacked the Hayabusa's right front blinker. The temperature still 35C, and the unbelievable piece of crap metal they have labeled Benelli, is unable to do more than 110km/h on a motorway without spilling the coolants. And the hangover didnt help, either.
A high-speed encounter with the local wildlife resulted in a hornet finding it's way into my leather pants. It started stinging me some 10km before arriving to Opatia, and was still hanging in my leg by its poisonous arse once i got to the hotel.
Wonder if the very understanding and lovely girlfriend back home would've believed if the bugger had stung somewhere higher up and i'd come home with a sort of throbbing red sea-cucumber in between my legs.

3 kommenttia:

Jonni kirjoitti...

Is this the famous crab dance?

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

"When the Canaanites hardened their hearts against God, and grieved Him because of their sin, God sent along hornets to bring them to terms, and to help His own people to win."


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