perjantai 20. heinäkuuta 2007


The trip: from Finland to Croatia (Split) and back.
The who: MC Murskeat Lokit minus one (Vanha has problems with his back)
The players & equipment:
Hese (the President, on left) & 1100 XX Blackbird
Ramiro & Benelli TNT 1150
Gusse & ZZR1200
Näätä (the Weasel) & Speed Triple
Baba (that's me) & Hayabusa.

Leaving this evening with ferry from Helsinki, Finland to Rostock, Germany. Arriving there tomorrow evening. That's 24 hrs on a boat. I imagine we'll be pulling proper faces today (fin: vedetään kunnon naamat) to take the edge off. Maybe then we can manage to take it easy in Rostock, once we get there, and on Sunday be early on our way towards Krakow, Poland.
But if there's rain in Poland, we may just as well ride thru Germany.

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